Copilot+ PCs: a new era of computing with AI

Copilot+ PCs represent a revolution in personal computing, marking the beginning of a new era where artificial intelligence (AI) plays a central role in the user experience. These PCs are an innovative category of Windows devices designed specifically to harness the power of AI distributed between the Edge and the Cloud, offering unprecedented capabilities in terms of productivity, creativity, and communication.

Screenshot Copilot+ PCs

The revolution of distributed AI

At the core of Copilot+ PCs is a sophisticated AI infrastructure that combines local artificial intelligence models with powerful cloud capabilities. This hybrid approach allows Copilot+ PCs to not only process data and tasks more efficiently but also to continuously learn and adapt to the user’s needs and preferences. This synergy between the Edge and the Cloud provides superior performance and an optimized user experience, making daily tasks faster and smoother.

Enhanced productivity experiences

The incorporation of AI in Copilot+ PCs transforms how users interact with their devices. These PCs can anticipate user needs, offering suggestions and automations that boost productivity. For example, office applications can use AI to organize emails, schedule meetings, and generate documents with greater accuracy and speed. This not only saves time but also reduces the cognitive effort required to handle complex tasks, allowing users to focus on more strategic and creative activities.

Screenshot referencing the creativity of Copilot+ PCs

Unleashed creativity

In addition to enhancing productivity, Copilot+ PCs open up new possibilities for creativity. Advanced AI capabilities allow users to edit photos and videos with unprecedented precision and speed. Graphic design and multimedia tools become more intuitive and accessible, enabling even non-experts to produce high-quality content. AI can help suggest adjustments and improvements in real-time, facilitating the creative process and allowing users to experiment and explore new ideas without restrictions.

Efficient and natural communication

Communication is another area where Copilot+ PCs shine. Thanks to integrated AI models, these devices can offer real-time translations, automatic subtitles, and accurate transcriptions, breaking down language barriers and making global collaboration more seamless. These capabilities are especially useful in multicultural and multilingual environments, improving accessibility and ensuring information is conveyed clearly and effectively.

Screenshot referring to the real-time translation of Copilot+ PCs

An architecture optimized for AI

To support these advanced AI capabilities, Copilot+ PCs are equipped with an optimized system architecture. This includes neural processing units (NPUs) capable of executing trillions of operations per second, ensuring AI tasks are performed quickly and efficiently. This powerful infrastructure allows Copilot+ PCs to handle intensive workloads without compromising performance, providing users with a smooth and responsive experience.

Copilot+ PCs are not just an evolution of Windows devices; they represent a quantum leap in how we interact with technology. By combining the power of AI distributed between the Edge and the Cloud, these devices offer productivity, creativity, and communication experiences that redefine what is possible in personal computing. With their optimized architecture and advanced capabilities, Copilot+ PCs are poised to become the new standard of excellence in the digital world.

The importance of AI and the new era of user-centric computing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we interact with technology, and Copilot+ PCs are at the forefront of this transformation. This section will explore the evolution of AI, user-centric computing, and how Copilot+ PCs are revolutionizing the architecture of Windows devices through the integration of local and cloud-based AI.

Evolution of artificial intelligence and user-centric computing

Artificial intelligence has come a long way since its inception. What began as basic algorithms has now evolved into complex systems capable of learning and adapting. Today, AI not only performs predefined tasks but also understands and anticipates user needs. This evolution has led to a new era of user-centric computing, where devices not only execute commands but also understand contexts and offer proactive solutions.

Since the first version of Windows, Microsoft has sought to enhance the user experience. With each update, new functionalities have been added to facilitate interaction and increase efficiency. The advent of AI marks a significant milestone in this evolution, allowing Windows devices to be more intuitive and personalized.

Screenshot referring to user-focused artificial intelligence in Copilot+ PCs

Distribution of artificial intelligence: collaboration between Edge and Cloud

The distribution of artificial intelligence between the Edge and the Cloud is a crucial advancement. AI at the Edge allows for local data processing, reducing latency and improving privacy. Meanwhile, the Cloud offers near-unlimited processing power, facilitating tasks that require significant resources. The combination of both approaches provides a smooth and robust user experience.

Copilot+ PCs leverage this collaboration to deliver unprecedented performance. For example, tasks that require intensive processing can be handled in the Cloud, while fast, real-time interactions are managed at the Edge. This synergy ensures users get the best of both worlds: speed and power.

Introduction of Copilot+ PCs: revolution in Windows device architecture

The introduction of Copilot+ PCs marks a revolution in the architecture of Windows devices. Equipped with neural processing units (NPUs), these PCs can execute up to 40 trillion operations per second. This capability allows Copilot+ PCs to handle AI tasks with unparalleled speed and efficiency.

The integration of local AI means users can enjoy faster and more advanced experiences without relying solely on internet connectivity. This is particularly useful in situations where latency can be an issue, such as real-time video editing or augmented reality applications.

Screenshot about the new NPU processor in Copilot+ PCs

Integration of local AI for fast and advanced experiences

Local AI in Copilot+ PCs not only improves speed but also offers more advanced experiences. For example, AI models can learn and adapt to the user’s work style and preferences, offering personalized suggestions and automations. This personalization allows for unprecedented productivity and creativity, as users can focus on more important tasks while AI handles repetitive and tedious details.

Moreover, local AI enables more natural interactions. Copilot+ PCs can understand voice commands, recognize patterns, and offer contextual responses, making the interaction with the device more intuitive and efficient. This ability to understand and respond to user needs in real-time is a paradigm shift in personal computing.

The evolution of artificial intelligence and user-centric computing has led to the creation of Copilot+ PCs, a new category of Windows devices that redefine what is possible in personal computing. The distribution of AI between the Edge and the Cloud, along with the integration of local AI, provides fast, advanced, and personalized user experiences. Copilot+ PCs not only enhance productivity and creativity but also set a new standard in Windows device architecture, marking the beginning of a new era in computing.

Innovations in system architecture and performance

Copilot+ PCs are designed to redefine performance and efficiency in personal computing, thanks to their innovative system architecture and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. This section will explore the key features of this new architecture, including the incorporation of neural processing units (NPUs), the update of Microsoft Copilot, and the integration of OpenAI’s GPT-4o. Additionally, the new experiences these innovations bring to users will be highlighted.

New system architecture with NPU

One of the most significant innovations in Copilot+ PCs is the inclusion of neural processing units (NPU). These NPUs are designed to execute up to 40 trillion operations per second, making them the fastest Windows PCs ever built. NPUs are specifically optimized to handle AI tasks, enabling faster and more efficient data processing.

The ability of NPUs to execute operations on this scale allows Copilot+ PCs to handle complex tasks almost instantly. This is particularly useful for applications that require real-time processing, such as video editing, voice recognition, and augmented reality. The speed and efficiency of NPUs ensure users can multitask without experiencing delays or interruptions.

Screenshot highlighting the new NPU processor in Copilot+ PCs

Update of Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot has been updated to offer a more personalized and faster user experience. This update enables more flexible and useful interactions in various daily tasks in Windows. With the new architecture of Copilot+ PCs, Microsoft Copilot can fully leverage the capabilities of NPUs, providing more precise and contextualized suggestions and automations.

For example, Microsoft Copilot can analyze user behavior and anticipate needs, offering proactive suggestions to improve productivity. This can range from organizing emails to optimizing schedules and automating repetitive tasks. The customization capability of Microsoft Copilot allows users to focus on more strategic and creative tasks.

Integration of OpenAI’s GPT-4o

Another key innovation in Copilot+ PCs is the integration of OpenAI’s GPT-4o. This advanced language model enables natural and useful interactions, facilitating assistance in a wide variety of tasks. For example, users can receive help in games like Minecraft, where GPT-4o can offer real-time suggestions and guides.

The integration of GPT-4o not only enhances the gaming experience but is also useful in professional applications. Users can use GPT-4o to generate texts, translate documents, and perform complex data analyses. The ability of GPT-4o to understand and respond to voice and text commands in natural language makes interaction with Copilot+ PCs more intuitive and efficient.

New experiences in Copilot+ PCs
Copilot+ PCs offer new experiences thanks to their advanced architecture and integrated AI models. With over 40 AI models on the device, these PCs enable unprecedented processing and reasoning capabilities. This translates into a greater capacity to handle complex tasks and offer fast and accurate responses.

One of the most notable experiences is the ability of Copilot+ PCs to perform real-time analysis. For example, users can edit videos and photos with unmatched precision and speed, thanks to the capabilities of NPUs and AI models. Additionally, real-time collaboration becomes more efficient, as Copilot+ PCs can process and share information instantly between devices and users.

The ability of Copilot+ PCs to handle large volumes of data and execute complex operations efficiently also has applications in the business field. Companies can use these PCs for data analysis, simulations, and other tasks that require high performance and precision. This not only improves operational efficiency but also enables companies to make more informed and strategic decisions.

Innovations in system architecture and performance of Copilot+ PCs mark a milestone in personal computing. The inclusion of NPUs, the update of Microsoft Copilot, and the integration of OpenAI’s GPT-4o allow these PCs to offer faster, more advanced, and personalized user experiences. These innovations not only enhance user productivity and creativity but also set a new standard of excellence in Windows device architecture. With their ability to handle complex tasks efficiently, Copilot+ PCs are positioned to lead the next generation of personal computing.

Verification of Copilot+ PCs benefits:

Advanced system architecture:

  • Neural processing units (NPU) with 40 trillion operations per second.
  • Capability to handle complex AI tasks in real-time.

Personalized user experience:

  • Updated Microsoft Copilot for more precise and contextualized interactions.
  • Anticipation of user needs and automation of repetitive tasks.

Natural and useful interactions:

  • Integration of OpenAI’s GPT-4o for assistance in a variety of tasks.
  • Ability to understand and respond to voice and text commands in natural language.

Advanced processing and reasoning:

  • Over 40 integrated AI models on the device.
  • Enhanced experiences in video and photo editing, and real-time collaboration.

Business applications:

  • High-precision data analysis and simulations.
  • Improved operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.

Recall function and user privacy
One of the most innovative features of Copilot+ PCs is the Recall function, designed to facilitate quick and efficient access to past information, enhancing both daily tasks and work activities. In this section, we will explore how Recall transforms information organization, its impact on daily life, and the emphasis placed on user privacy and control.

Recall function: quick and efficient access to past information
The Recall function allows users to access previous information quickly and accurately. This tool is deeply integrated into the Windows 11 operating system and uses advanced AI models to organize and retrieve data in multiple formats. Recall analyzes the context and content of stored information to offer relevant and useful results, saving users time and effort.

For example, if a user needs to find a specific document among hundreds of files, Recall can quickly identify the correct file based on descriptions, dates, or even fragments of content remembered by the user. This ability to navigate and retrieve information instantly is especially useful in work environments where efficiency is crucial.

Organization of information in the human mind and PC databases
The organization of information in Copilot+ PCs is inspired by how the human mind works. Just as our brain categorizes and relates memories, Recall uses AI models to structure data so it is easily accessible. This includes creating links between related documents, grouping files by themes, and prioritizing the most relevant information for the user.

This approach not only improves accessibility but also reduces the cognitive load associated with manual information searching. Users can trust that Recall will find what they need quickly, allowing them to focus on more important and strategic tasks.

Impact of Recall on daily life and work collaboration
The Recall function has a significant impact on users’ daily lives. From finding a specific outfit mentioned in an email to locating a digital receipt for a return, Recall simplifies many everyday tasks. Additionally, in the work environment, Recall facilitates efficient collaboration by allowing teams to quickly access shared documents, project histories, and relevant emails.

For example, during a team meeting, a user can use Recall to quickly find a key document that supports a discussed point, improving the flow and effectiveness of the collaboration. This ability to instantly access critical information can make the difference between a successful project and one that stalls due to a lack of data.

User privacy and control
User privacy and control are fundamental priorities in the development of the Recall function. Microsoft has implemented multiple layers of security to ensure that users’ personal and professional data are protected. Recall works locally on the device whenever possible, minimizing the need to send data to the Cloud and reducing the risk of exposure.

Additionally, users have full control over what information is indexed and available through Recall. They can configure permissions and privacy settings to ensure that only the information they consider safe and appropriate is accessed. This approach ensures that users feel comfortable using Recall, knowing that their data is protected.

The Recall function in Copilot+ PCs is a powerful tool that transforms how users organize and access information. By combining advanced artificial intelligence with an optimized system architecture, Recall offers quick and efficient access to past data, improving both daily tasks and work collaboration. Additionally, with a firm focus on user privacy and control, Recall ensures that personal data is always protected.

Verification of Recall function benefits:

Quick access to past information:

  • Precise retrieval of documents and data in multiple formats.
  • Contextual analysis to offer relevant and useful results.

Organization inspired by the human mind:

  • Data structuring for easy accessibility.
  • Creation of links and thematic groupings of information.

Improvement of daily tasks and work collaboration:

  • Simplification of everyday tasks and document searches.
  • Instant access to critical information during meetings and projects.

Priority in user privacy and control:

  • Local operation to minimize exposure risks.
  • Personalized privacy settings and permissions.

These features ensure that the Recall function not only improves user productivity and efficiency but also provides the peace of mind that their information is secure and under their control.

Navigating information in Windows 11 with Recall
The integration of the Recall function in Windows 11 represents a significant evolution in how users navigate and access information on their devices. By leveraging multimodal AI language models, Recall transforms data search and organization, offering a more intuitive, efficient, and secure user experience. In this section, we will explore how Recall integrates into Windows 11, its benefits, and its impact on information navigation.

Recall and multimodal AI language models
The Recall function in Copilot+ PCs leverages various multimodal AI language models to organize information in different formats. This means Recall can understand and process text, images, audio, and video, enabling more comprehensive and precise search and retrieval of information. AI models analyze the content and context of stored data, facilitating the identification and access to relevant information in seconds.

For example, a user can search for a specific presentation by mentioning only a few visual or verbal details they remember, and Recall will use these fragments of information to find the correct file. This multimodal understanding capability drastically improves search efficiency and precision, surpassing the limitations of traditional search tools that rely solely on keywords.

Deep integration into Windows 11
The integration of Recall into Windows 11 allows efficient access to system components for intuitive and secure search across all applications. Recall is not just an isolated application but is deeply integrated into the Windows ecosystem, working in conjunction with other system functions and applications. This ensures users can access Recall from anywhere and at any time, whether they are working on a document, browsing the web, or using multimedia applications.

This deep integration also means Recall can interact with other Windows 11 functionalities, such as the command line, file explorer, and Microsoft Office productivity tools. For example, while drafting an email, a user can invoke Recall to quickly attach relevant documents or retrieve information from previous emails without leaving the email application. This fluidity and cohesion enhance the overall user experience and increase productivity.

Windows Copilot Runtime: powering Recall
The Windows Copilot Runtime is the infrastructure that supports over 40 integrated AI models, powering experiences like Recall. This runtime environment allows Windows applications and functions, including advanced ones like Recall, to operate with exceptional speed and efficiency. The AI models in the Windows Copilot Runtime are designed to handle large volumes of data and perform complex analyses, ensuring Recall can provide fast and accurate results at all times.

Additionally, the Windows Copilot Runtime facilitates continuous updates and improvements to AI models, ensuring Recall is always at the forefront of search and information organization technology. This ability to adapt and improve constantly means Windows 11 users can benefit from the latest AI innovations without the need for manual updates or complicated configurations.

Benefits of Recall for information navigation
The benefits of the Recall function in Windows 11 are numerous and varied, transforming how users interact with their devices:

Intuitive and precise search: Recall allows for more natural and accurate search by understanding the context and details of user queries. This reduces the time and effort needed to find relevant information. Efficient data organization: By using AI models to categorize and link information, Recall facilitates efficient data organization, allowing users to quickly access related documents, images, and other files. Universal and continuous access: The deep integration of Recall into Windows 11 ensures users can access this function from any application or part of the operating system, enhancing the fluidity and cohesion of the user experience. Continuous AI improvement: Thanks to the Windows Copilot Runtime, the AI models that power Recall are constantly updated and improved, ensuring the function remains effective and relevant as user needs evolve. Security and privacy: Recall is designed with a focus on user privacy, ensuring personal and professional data are protected through advanced security settings and full control over indexed information. Verification of Recall benefits in Windows 11:

Intuitive and precise search:

  • Contextual and detailed understanding of queries.
  • Reduction of time and effort in information search.

Efficient data organization:

  • Categories and links between documents and related information.
  • Quick access to relevant files and data.

Universal and continuous access:

  • Availability of Recall in any application or part of the system.
  • Enhancement of fluidity and cohesion in the user experience.

Continuous AI improvement:

  • Constant update of AI models.
  • Adaptation to evolving user needs.

Security and privacy:

  • Advanced security settings.
  • Full control over indexed and accessible information.

These features ensure the Recall function not only improves user productivity and efficiency but also provides the peace of mind that their information is secure and under their control.

Performance comparison: Copilot+ PCs vs. MacBook Air 15-inch
In the competitive world of technology, performance comparisons between devices are crucial for consumers. Copilot+ PCs have proven to be leaders in this field, outperforming the 15-inch MacBook Air in several key aspects. In this section, we will analyze in detail how Copilot+ PCs offer superior performance, highlighting significant improvements in speed, efficiency, and battery life, as well as the technological innovation driving these advancements.

Superior peak and sustained multi-core performance
Copilot+ PCs are designed to deliver exceptional performance in high-demand situations. In performance tests, these PCs have outperformed the 15-inch MacBook Air by up to 23% in peak performance and up to 58% in sustained multi-core performance. This means that, in tasks that require intensive and continuous processing, Copilot+ PCs can handle heavier workloads with greater efficiency and stability.

This superior performance is crucial for users who need to perform complex tasks such as video editing, 3D modeling, and simulations. The ability of Copilot+ PCs to maintain high sustained performance ensures that creative and technical professionals can work without interruptions or bottlenecks, improving productivity and the quality of the final work.

New generation of Surface Laptop
The new generation of Surface Laptop, part of the Copilot+ PCs lineup, has shown impressive performance improvements. Compared to the previous generation, the new Surface Laptop is up to 80% faster and features the longest battery life ever seen in a Surface PC. These improvements mean users will not only experience a significant increase in processing speed but also in device autonomy, allowing them to work longer without needing to recharge.

These performance and battery life improvements are made possible by integrating advanced technologies and high-efficiency components. The optimized architecture and use of cutting-edge materials allow the Surface Laptop to offer a perfect balance between power and portability, making it ideal for professionals on the go.

Exclusive AI experiences and collaboration with Adobe and DaVinci Resolve
One of the standout aspects of Copilot+ PCs is their ability to offer exclusive artificial intelligence (AI) experiences. Collaboration with industry leaders such as Adobe and DaVinci Resolve has allowed key applications to be optimized for the NPU (Neural Processing Unit) integrated into Copilot+ PCs. This optimization translates into superior performance in photo and video editing applications, where AI can accelerate complex tasks and improve result precision.

For example, in Adobe Photoshop, Copilot+ PCs can perform complex adjustments and edits faster than the MacBook Air, thanks to the acceleration provided by the NPU. The Magic Mask function in DaVinci Resolve Studio also benefits from this technology, allowing users to apply effects and corrections almost instantly. These capabilities not only save time but also open up new creative possibilities for users.

Performance comparison in photo and video editing
Photo and video editing are areas where Copilot+ PCs truly shine compared to the 15-inch MacBook Air. Efficiency in photo editing is crucial for photographers and everyday users who want to achieve fast, high-quality results. In comparative tests, Copilot+ PCs have demonstrated significantly faster application of filters, color adjustments, and other editing tasks.

In video editing, collaboration with Adobe and DaVinci Resolve allows Copilot+ PCs to offer outstanding performance. The ability to handle multiple video tracks, apply complex effects, and render projects quickly ensures content creators can produce high-quality videos efficiently. This advantage is especially important for professionals working with tight deadlines who need to maximize their productivity.

The performance comparison between Copilot+ PCs and the 15-inch MacBook Air highlights the clear advantages of Copilot+ PCs in terms of speed, efficiency, and processing capacity. With significant improvements in peak and sustained multi-core performance, a new generation of Surface Laptop with greater speed and battery life, and exclusive AI experiences optimized for creative applications, Copilot+ PCs set a new standard in personal computing.

Verification of Copilot+ PCs benefits:

Superior performance:

  • Up to 23% faster in peaks and 58% in sustained multi-core performance than the MacBook Air.
  • Ideal for intensive tasks such as video editing and 3D modeling.

Improvements in Surface Laptop:

  • Up to 80% faster than the previous generation.
  • Record battery life in the Surface lineup.

Optimization for AI:

  • Collaboration with Adobe and DaVinci Resolve for superior performance in photo and video editing.
  • Exclusive functions such as Magic Mask accelerated by the NPU.

Creative experiences:

  • Faster and more precise photo editing.
  • Efficient handling of multiple video tracks and complex effects.

These features ensure Copilot+ PCs not only provide exceptional performance but also enhance user productivity and creativity, setting a new standard in personal computing.

Exclusive AI experiences and collaboration with Adobe and DaVinci Resolve
Copilot+ PCs not only offer superior performance and advanced architecture but also stand out for their exclusive artificial intelligence (AI) experiences optimized to enhance user creativity and productivity. Collaboration with industry leaders such as Adobe and DaVinci Resolve has enabled the integration of advanced features that transform photo and video editing, taking it to a new level. In this section, we will explore how these AI experiences significantly enhance the creative capabilities of Copilot+ PCs and the concrete benefits they bring to users.

Performance and efficiency in photo editing
Photo editing is a task that requires precision, creativity, and often a considerable amount of time. Copilot+ PCs, thanks to their AI integration, offer a much faster and more efficient photo editing experience. Adobe Photoshop, one of the world’s most popular editing tools, has been optimized to leverage the capabilities of the Neural Processing Unit (NPU) in Copilot+ PCs. This allows for complex adjustments and filter applications with unprecedented speed and precision.

For example, tasks such as background removal, color adjustment, and effect application that would normally take several minutes can now be completed in seconds. AI also automatically suggests improvements and adjustments, facilitating the creative process and allowing photographers to focus on the artistic aspect of their work rather than technical details. This efficiency not only saves time but also enhances the quality of the final work.

Collaboration with Adobe and DaVinci Resolve
The collaboration between Microsoft and industry leaders such as Adobe and DaVinci Resolve has resulted in significant optimization of their applications for Copilot+ PCs. DaVinci Resolve Studio, one of the most advanced platforms for video editing, has greatly benefited from this collaboration. The Magic Mask function, for example, allows editors to select and manipulate specific objects in a video quickly and precisely, thanks to the acceleration provided by the NPU.

This capability is particularly useful for video editors who need to make detailed and precise adjustments to their projects. AI can automatically identify objects and people in the video, facilitating editing and effect application. This not only improves efficiency but also opens new creative possibilities, allowing editors to experiment with advanced techniques without worrying about the time they would normally take.

Practical demonstrations of advanced functionalities
Copilot+ PCs not only promise performance but demonstrate it with practical cases. In a recent demonstration, it was shown how these PCs can handle complex video editing projects with multiple tracks and effects in real-time, something that would be challenging for many other machines. The ability to process and render video quickly allows users to see the results of their edits almost instantly, which is crucial in high-quality content production.

Additionally, exclusive AI experiences include features such as automatic color correction and brightness and contrast adjustment based on video content analysis. These features allow content creators to enhance the visual quality of their projects with minimal effort, ensuring each video looks professional and appealing.

Real-time collaboration and creation
Artificial intelligence in Copilot+ PCs also facilitates real-time collaboration. For example, in collaborative work environments, multiple users can work simultaneously on a project, making edits and adjustments that synchronize instantly. This capability is possible thanks to the combination of NPU power and cloud capabilities, which together ensure a smooth and efficient collaboration experience.

Additionally, integrated collaborative tools allow teams to communicate and share ideas more effectively. Real-time annotation and comment functions facilitate project review and approval, reducing the time needed to complete tasks and improving the quality of the final result.

Impact on the PC industry
The innovations introduced by Copilot+ PCs are having a transformative impact on the PC industry. Industry leaders recognize the potential of these AI-driven machines to unlock new forms of innovation and performance. Major PC brands are adopting similar technologies, integrating AI into their devices to offer enhanced user experiences and advanced editing and content creation capabilities.

This trend is driving healthy competition in the market, leading to continuous developments and improvements in AI technology applied to visual content editing. As a result, users can expect to see increasingly powerful and accessible devices that allow them to take their creativity to the next level.

AI is revolutionizing photo and video editing, breaking down barriers to expression and increasing creative confidence. Copilot+ PCs, with their exclusive features and advanced AI capabilities, are leading this transformation, allowing users to create high-quality visual content faster and more efficiently.

Launch of Copilot+ PCs by leading brands
The launch of Copilot+ PCs has marked a milestone in the tech industry, with several leading brands presenting their own versions of these innovative devices. Companies such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, and Microsoft have introduced new additions to their product lines, each highlighting unique features that maximize the capabilities of distributed artificial intelligence (AI). In this section, we will explore the details of the launch, the standout features of the new devices, and the affordability and cost savings offered by Copilot+ PCs.

New additions by leading brands
Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, and Microsoft have responded to the demand for smarter and more efficient devices with their own versions of Copilot+ PCs. Each brand has incorporated specific innovations to differentiate their products and attract various market segments.

Dell: Dell has launched its new line of Copilot+ PCs with high-resolution OLED screens, providing a superior visual experience for professional and creative users. These devices also include advanced cooling systems to maintain optimal performance during intensive tasks.

HP: HP has introduced Copilot+ PCs with a focus on sustainability, using recycled materials in the construction of their devices. Additionally, they have improved battery life, allowing users to work longer without interruptions.

Lenovo: Lenovo has launched models that stand out for their robustness and durability, ideal for corporate and educational environments. Their devices also include ergonomic keyboards and improved audio systems for a more complete user experience.

Samsung: Samsung has integrated its high-end screen technology into Copilot+ PCs, offering AMOLED displays that guarantee vivid colors and impressive contrast. They have also optimized their devices for multimedia and entertainment applications.

Microsoft: Microsoft continues to lead with its Surface line, introducing the new Surface Pro with enhanced AI capabilities, long battery life, and an ultra-flexible design that adapts to different work and creative styles.

Standout features of the new devices
Each brand has implemented specific features to highlight their Copilot+ PCs in the market:

OLED and AMOLED displays: High-resolution screens that offer precise colors and an immersive visual experience, ideal for designers, photographers, and content creators. Recycled materials: Focus on sustainability and reducing carbon footprint, using recycled materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. Improved battery life: Long-lasting batteries that allow users to work without worrying about constant recharging, increasing productivity and convenience. Ergonomic and durable designs: Comfortable keyboards, efficient cooling systems, and robust construction to withstand intensive use in various environments. Optimization for AI and multimedia: Devices optimized to leverage AI capabilities in tasks such as photo and video editing, voice recognition, and multimedia applications.

Affordability and price comparison
Copilot+ PCs stand out not only for their advanced capabilities but also for their affordability compared to other market options. These PCs offer significant savings compared to MacBook equivalents, with prices up to $200 lower. This focus on economic accessibility makes Copilot+ PCs an attractive option for a wide range of consumers, from students and professionals to businesses looking to equip their teams with cutting-edge technology.

Availability and launch dates
Copilot+ PCs will be available for pre-order starting today, with an official launch on June 18. This immediate availability allows consumers to quickly access the latest technology and start benefiting from the advantages of advanced AI capabilities. The anticipation of the launch has generated significant interest in the market, and these PCs are expected to set new standards in terms of performance, efficiency, and accessibility.

The launch of Copilot+ PCs by leading brands such as Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, and Microsoft marks a significant advance in the tech industry. With innovative features, a focus on sustainability, and competitive affordability, these PCs are set to revolutionize how users interact with their devices. The integration of advanced AI capabilities and optimization for creative and productivity tasks ensures Copilot+ PCs not only enhance the user experience but also set a new standard in personal computing.

Verification of benefits of Copilot+ PCs launched by leading brands:

Screen innovations:

  • High-resolution OLED and AMOLED displays.
  • Immersive visual experience and precise colors.


  • Use of recycled materials.
  • Eco-friendly manufacturing processes.

Battery life:

  • Long-lasting batteries.
  • Increased productivity without interruptions.

Design and durability:

  • Ergonomic keyboards and efficient cooling systems.
  • Robust construction for intensive use.

Optimization for AI:

  • Advanced capabilities for editing and voice recognition.
  • Enhanced experience in multimedia applications.

Affordability and availability:

  • Competitive prices, up to $200 lower than MacBook.
  • Available for pre-order from today, official launch on June 18.

These features ensure Copilot+ PCs not only provide exceptional performance but are also accessible and sustainable, setting a new standard in personal and professional computing.

Frequently asked questions

How does distributed AI benefit Copilot+ PCs?
The integration of distributed artificial intelligence between the Edge and the Cloud in Copilot+ PCs offers several key benefits:

Fast and efficient performance: By using AI at the Edge, Copilot+ PCs can process data locally, reducing latency and improving response speed for immediate tasks. This is especially useful for applications that require real-time processing, such as video editing and augmented reality.

Privacy and security: The ability to perform AI tasks locally also means that fewer data need to be sent to the Cloud, enhancing user privacy. Sensitive data can be processed on the device, reducing the risk of exposure.

Adaptation and personalization: Distributed AI allows Copilot+ PCs to learn and adapt to user preferences, offering personalized suggestions and automations that improve productivity and the overall user experience.

Scalability and Cloud power: For tasks that require significant processing capacity, Copilot+ PCs can leverage the power of the Cloud. This is ideal for analyzing large volumes of data or running complex AI models that would not be possible solely on the Edge.

What architectural innovations make Copilot+ PCs superior?
The innovations in the architecture of Copilot+ PCs include:

Neural Processing Units (NPU): NPUs are designed to execute trillions of operations per second, specifically optimized for AI tasks. This allows Copilot+ PCs to handle intensive workloads more efficiently than traditional CPUs or GPUs.

Energy efficiency: NPUs not only improve performance but are also more energy-efficient. This contributes to longer battery life, allowing users to work longer without needing to recharge.

Hybrid architecture: The combination of processing at the Edge and in the Cloud maximizes power and efficiency. Tasks that require low latency are handled locally, while more intensive operations are delegated to the Cloud.

Software optimization: Copilot+ PCs are designed to work optimally with Microsoft software and other leading market applications, ensuring superior performance in specific tasks such as photo and video editing.

What exclusive AI features do Copilot+ PCs offer in photo and video editing?
Copilot+ PCs offer several exclusive AI features that significantly enhance productivity and creativity:

Magic Mask in DaVinci Resolve: Allows editors to select and manipulate specific objects in a video with precision, speeding up the editing process and improving the quality of the final work.

Auto-Reframe in Adobe Premiere Pro: Automatically adjusts the aspect ratio of a video for different platforms, ensuring the main subject is always centered. This saves time and effort in manual editing.

Content-Aware Fill in Adobe After Effects: Uses AI to remove unwanted elements from a scene and fill the space coherently with the background. This tool simplifies complex tasks that previously required advanced editing skills.

Object and person recognition: AI tools can automatically identify objects and people in photos and videos, facilitating the organization, search, and editing of visual content.

How does the Recall function facilitate access and organization of information?

The Recall function in Copilot+ PCs offers multiple advantages:

Quick access to past information: Recall allows users to search and retrieve documents, emails, and other stored data quickly and accurately. It uses AI to analyze the context and content of information, providing relevant results in seconds.

Efficient organization: Recall structures data similarly to how the human mind categorizes memories, creating links between related documents and grouping them by themes. This facilitates navigation and management of large volumes of information.

Privacy and security: Recall is designed to operate locally on the device whenever possible, minimizing the need to send data to the Cloud. Additionally, users have full control over what information is indexed and available through Recall, ensuring data protection.

Improved productivity: By reducing the time and effort needed to find relevant information, Recall allows users to focus on more important and strategic tasks, increasing their efficiency and productivity.

5. What improvements does the new Surface Pro bring and how do they impact its performance?

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The new Surface Pro within the Copilot+ PCs lineup includes several improvements and new features:

  • Faster processor: Equipped with the latest processors, the new Surface Pro offers significantly improved performance, capable of handling intensive tasks with ease.
  • Improved battery life: The longer-lasting battery allows users to work all day without interruptions, increasing productivity and convenience.
  • High-resolution touchscreen: The high-resolution screen provides superior image quality, ideal for creative tasks such as graphic design and photo editing. Precise touch response and support for the digital pen enhance the user experience.
  • Ultra-flexible design: The new Surface Pro combines the power of a laptop with the versatility of a tablet, allowing users to adapt to different work styles. The lightweight and portable design makes it easy to use anywhere.
  • Redesigned keyboard and pen: The keyboard has been optimized for greater comfort, with bold keys and a larger touchpad. The digital pen offers a more natural and precise writing and drawing experience, enhancing productivity and creativity.

6. What are the advantages of the new Copilot+ PCs launched by leading brands?

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The new Copilot+ PCs launched by leading brands offer several key advantages:

  • Superior performance: Equipped with the latest hardware technologies and AI optimizations, these PCs provide exceptional performance in intensive tasks such as photo and video editing, data analysis, and augmented reality applications.
  • Sustainability: Many of the new Copilot+ PCs use recycled materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. This focus on sustainability reduces the carbon footprint and supports responsible consumption practices.
  • Affordability: Copilot+ PCs are competitively affordable, offering prices up to $200 lower than MacBook equivalents. This economic accessibility allows a wide range of consumers to access advanced technology without compromising their budget.
  • Brand-specific innovations: Each brand has implemented unique features to differentiate their products. Dell offers high-resolution OLED screens, HP focuses on sustainability and battery life, Lenovo stands out for its robustness and durability, Samsung provides AMOLED screens and multimedia optimization, and Microsoft leads with its new flexible and powerful Surface Pro.
  • Immediate availability: Copilot+ PCs are available for pre-order immediately, with an official launch on June 18. This quick availability allows consumers to access the latest technology and start benefiting from its advantages immediately.

These questions and answers provide a detailed and relevant overview of the features and benefits of Copilot+ PCs, highlighting their positive impact on the user experience and their competitiveness in the market.

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